Saturday, January 7, 2012

Are you Qualified?

Following is a copy of my response to a post by a girl in one of my classes who felt afraid of teaching the Bible because she might be in error. She disqualified herself from using the gifts God intended for her to bless others with. I'm sure we have all felt disqualified at one time or another. I hope this blesses you...

"I have good news for you. Nobody has or ever will teach the Bible perfectly because no one understands it perfectly. That should take some pressure off your shoulders. We will be held accountable for what we teach as James 3:1 tells us, but we will also be held accountable for not stewarding the gifts God has given us as the unwise servant found out in Matthew 25. Here are some principles that have helped me. First, teach what you know even if it seems simple. I know God loves me and probably 90% of my teaching revolves around that. I know it sounds simple but you would be surprised at how many Christians only know God's love on an intellectual level and have never experienced it for themselves. That leads me to the second principle, as you teach (or as you do anything in life) operate from the understanding that your primary calling in life is to be God's kid and he already loves, accepts and favors you. When we refuse to live trying to earn God's approval it takes so much stress away. The Pharisees thought they had to perform for God's acceptance and look where it got them. Thirdly, don't be afraid to talk about things you still aren't sure about - just let people know you're still not sure. Whenever I'm asked to teach Eschatology this is the approach I take. I say something like, "This is what I think... this is what others think... This is what I know, Jesus is Lord!"

I would like to pray for you:
Jesus, thank you for the gifts and calling you have given __________. I ask that you give her the wisdom she needs to steward what you have entrusted to her and the freedom she needs to be able to take risks and experiment knowing that you reward obedience, not "success." I also ask that as she stewards and grows in her gifts that you would increase the authority with which she teaches so that more and more she will see the life transforming work of the Word of God in the lives of her students. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

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