Friday, August 2, 2013

ReVision Church

Not just re-envision (rethink/reimagine) but revision – make the necessary adjustments so that the message is effectively heard. 

Jesus last words before ascending were “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19, ESV).  Discipleship and mission (carrying the love and power of Jesus into the world) are the priorities of Christ for his church.  Gathering together is important, but when we sacrifice going for gathering we are missing the mark.  Mission and discipleship are both best done in the context of relationship and connection.  The problem with our gathered “Sunday Morning” services is that they allow too much of the Church (not just seekers) to hide out and remain unconnected with the attitude that the pastors and leaders will do it all. The pastors and leaders preach that they are there to equip the church for ministry but within the context of traditions and models that don’t empower their message. It’s not about having the right model of church – the New Testament church had different models for the Jews and Gentiles.  It’s about embracing the right priorities then adjusting the model to make those priorities as effective as possible.

Let me make this clear – gathering is important because it allows the apostolic leaders to impart their DNA to the disciples (Acts 2:42-43).  However, this is compromised as well because the apostolic leader isn’t just preaching to disciples, he’s preaching to the hot and the cold and the lukewarm and the lost.  The leaders are given 60-90 minutes a week to steward the hot, fire up the cold, admonish the lukewarm and win the lost. Most churches spend most their resources (time, money, people and energy) on making this one ministry – the Sunday morning worship service – happen. And what do we have to show for it?  

Well at my church we have great gatherings – passionate worship, revelatory sermons and people who genuinely love each other.  We have great core values that really are being lived out through us to varying degrees.  It also seems like we, as in many churches, have too few practical ways people can connect with one another so that discipleship and mission are happening in the context of relationship. 

I'm not angry at the church (my own or in general) or it's leaders.  I love the church and it's people so much that I look for ways to lay my life down for them - that's my calling. I believe with all that I am that every Christian within their new nature has a true hunger for God and a true desire to be who he created us to be. What might happen if these beautiful people began to rethink the way we do things with the priorities of Jesus at center stage? What if we were able to let go of our church paradigms and what makes us comfortable for the sake of embracing Jesus' idea of church? What if... ?

Maybe it’s time to start asking questions and re-examining our priorities.  Maybe we need a revision of the model so that what we are really called to do and be as a church becomes what we are effective at doing and being. Maybe it’s time to free up our leaders to truly focus on equipping the disciples who then minister to each other and the world rather then leaving the responsibility for it all at the leader’s feet.

I have some ideas – some conversation starters. They are as radical as we say we want to be.  They are dangerous and maybe even threatening to some. If nothing else they will get us thinking outside the box. But dare I mention them?