Thursday, July 25, 2013

God's Promises for the Harvest

I have been wrestling with the calling God has on my life for a long time.  In some ways my church had become Saul’s Armor, because I knew I was suppose to minister outside it's walls, but it had become comfortable and safe for me. It had also become my excuse for not facing Goliath.  Then the Lord began to speak to me from Luke 10 as I was wrestling with the fears I face in moving forward with what he's called me to.  He met each fear with a promise.  He is so good. It’s as if he is saying to me, “You’ve killed your bear, you’ve killed your lion, now go kill Goliath.” God is obviously dealing with me very personally here but I thought that some of what he spoke to me, may bless you as well. 
Vs. 2 “The harvest is plentiful” (John 4:36 says, “Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes and see that the fields are white for harvest”).
The Lord: If you can’t see it’s because you’re afraid to look. You’re afraid that you'll look and there will be nothing there – but I promise you the harvest is there.
“but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
The Lord: You know that you are the answer to this prayer. So ask the Lord of the harvest to bring other laborers beside you. You are afraid you will have to do this alone but I promise you are not meant to do this alone. Pray earnestly for those who are called to walk with you in this harvest to rise up and be obedient. To face their fears as you are and set aside what is in their hands to obey the call.
Vs. 3 “Go your way”
The Lord: You must start moving in the way to which I’ve called you. Stop trying to stay where you have become comfortable in Saul’s armor. You are afraid of yourself because of your capacity to dream big, that this is in your imagination – you should know better than that.  I made you to dream big and I promise that I have given you the desires of your heart so that your way IS my way. Now move.
“behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.”
The Lord: You are afraid you are not strong enough, gifted enough, wise enough or qualified enough to succeed.  I promise you that all you need to do is remain a lamb and you will not have to worry about success.  Remain in honor and love with no resentment in your heart (towards the wolves or towards the sheep who bite) – only trust in your Shepherd and in your heavenly Father, little one, and follow my lead.
Vs. 4 “Carry no money bag, no knapsack, no sandals”
The Lord: For fear of lack you may want to grab every opportunity and resource that you can. I want your hands to remain empty and wide open so that I can put my resources into them. I promise that what I put into your hands will prosper. Take nothing for yourself – grab at nothing – only wait to receive from me, for it will be much greater. I will be your provider (money bag), I will carry your burden (knapsack), and I will be your transportation (sandals). I promise that I will get you where you need to be with what you need to be there.
“greet no one on the road”
The Lord: You are afraid that those who are important to you won’t understand what I’ve called you to or won’t approve.  Do not rely on men’s approval – you have my blessing, my approval – this is my vision you are stewarding and I promise I will bring those around you who “get it” to encourage you and stand beside you.
Vs. 5-8 “Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if not, it will return to you; And remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they provide, for the laborer deserves his wages. Do not go from house to house. Whenever you enter a town and they receive you, eat what is set before you.”
The Lord: You are afraid that you will become isolated from the rest of the Body.  Extend the invitation of fellowship to those that I bring in front of you. I promise that the sons of peace – those truly interested in building the Kingdom – will recognize that you are a son of peace as well and will become a strategic relationship for you. Those who are more interested in their own kingdoms will not recognize you.  The blessing that I would have brought them through you is what they are rejecting.  Do not be distracted by them but move on to the next opportunity to build fellowship.
Do not neglect these strategic relationships because some other possibility looks better or seems to have more to offer. I promise that if I’ve connected them with you then what they offer, no matter how small, is what I’ll use to bring in the great harvest.
Vs. 9 “Heal the sick in it and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’
The Lord: You are afraid you are not supernatural enough.  You long to see supernatural provision, healing, signs, wonders, miracles and manifestations of my glory because you want the world to see what you know is true – that I am a great God.  It is good to want these things – now you will have to trust me that your risk and your obedience will be met with my power – because I promise that is what is going to happen.
Vs.  10 “But whenever you enter a town and they do not receive you, go into its streets and say, ‘Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this, that the kingdom of God has come near.”
The Lord: You are afraid of failure because you think that results = success.  Truly, obedience = success. When someone does not receive you then wipe off the dust – take no bitterness or resentment with you – and know that you have done what I’ve called you to do. Then leave them in my hands. I promise that it will not be easy but it will be worth it. I promise that I will see and reward every sacrifice, every act of obedience, every time you are faithful to me.  You’re reward will be to know me more, to trust me more, and to become more like me.

Finally, I’ve struggled with my calling because it seemed too great for me. Then I realized that greatness isn’t just something inside me, it’s something I’ve inherited from my spiritual moms and dads. Even if they never saw the fulfillment of their prophetic destiny that had been spoken over their lives  - I’ve inherited what God made available to them because I’ve honored, served and submitted myself to them. The best way I can continue to honor them is to pick up where they left off, pick up the dropped mantles and discarded dreams and run forward with them. And my mothers and fathers will receive the reward as if they’d seen those words fulfilled in their own ministry. Legacy is not just something to leave – it’s something to be.